Kawennárha (c-stem)computer, laptop, tablet composed of:-wenn- word/language/voice/syllable; -ar- to picture/join/include/incorporate; -ha- habitual; -tsher- nominalyzer contrived noun
Tkaya’tárha / Tkaia’tarha (c-stem)television, screen, TV composed of:-ya’t- body; -ar- to picture/join/include/incorporate; -ha- habitual; -tsher- nominalyzer contrived noun
ó:wise(c-stem)glass, ice, glass cup noun
káksa(c-stem)dish, dishes noun
kátshe(c-stem)bottle, can, jar, canister noun
kanónhsa(c-stem)house, home, dwelling, building, abode, cabin, cottage, etc. noun
orì:wa(c-stem)business, matter, fault, information, data noun
owén:na(c-stem)word, language, syllable noun
dog, canine Origin:derivative of: ononhwè:rhon – “body hair” noun
takó:s / takóhs
Cat, kitty, feline Origin:De poes “the cat”Dutch loan word noun