it is, thatdeterminer Context: Takó:s né:’e[cat] [it is]“It’s a cat” Né:’e tewakatonhwentsyó:ni[it is] [dualic-it-me-want/need-stative]“That’s what I want” Né:’e í:kehre[it is] [I-it-think/want]“That’s what I think” Yah tewakateryèn:tare nahò:ten né:’e[not] [not-it-me-know-stative] [what] [it is]“I do not know what it is” particle
né:’e tsi
becausecomplementizer, conjunction Context: Yakó:ta’s né:’e tsi teyakohwishenheyòn:ne[it-she-sleep-stative] [because] [dual-it-she-energy-to.die.-past.stative]“She is asleep because she was tired/fatigued” Yah tehakkaryà:khse né:’e tsi sótsi ró:tenht[not] [not-he-me-debt-break-benefactive] [because] [too] [it-he-poor-stative]“He did not pay me because he is too poor” Yah thiyewaké:non né:’e tsi sótsi í:non[not] [not-translocative-it-me-to.go-perfective] [because] [too] [far]“I did not go there because it is too far” particle
because Examples: Yakó:ta’s ahse’kén teyakohwishenheyòn:ne[it-she-sleep-stative] [because] [dual-it-she-energy-to.die.-past.stative]“She is asleep because she was tired/fatigued” Yah tehakkaryà:khse ahse’kén sótsi ró:tenht[not] [not-he-me-debt-break-benefactive] [because] [too] [it-he-poor-stative]“He did not pay me because he is too poor” Yah thiyewaké:non ahse’kén sótsi í:non[not] [not-translocative-it-me-to.go-perfective] [because] [too] [far]“I did not go there because it is too far” Part of speech: particleFunction: complementizer, conjunction
that, in which, the one that, the one whichcomplementizer, conjunction, joiner Context: Ónhka thí:ken né:ne yehnén:yehs?(who) (that-determiner) né:ne (she-it-tall-stative)“who is that the one that’s tall?” Tewakatonhwentsyó:ni ne katshe’towá:nen né:ne ehtà:ke káhere(I-it-want/need-stative) ne (it-it-bottle/jar/can-large-stative) né:ne (below/down) (it-it-set.up-stative)“I want the big jar the one that’s sitting on the bottom (shelf)” Rake’níha wahanahskwahní:non ne kítkit, né:ne konni’nhnónhsayens(he-me-father) (definite.past-he-it-domestic.animal-purchase) …. Read More
thatcomplementizer, conjunction, joiner Context: Wa’onkhró:ri tsi teyakohwishenhé:yon(definite-she-me-to.tell) (that) (it-she-energy-to.die-stative)“she told me that she is tired/fatigued” É:so tsi wakatshennón:ni(alot) (that) (it-me-aim-to.make)I am really happy Í:kehre tsi enwá:ton(I-it-think/want-stative) (that) (future-it-it-to.become)“I think that it would be possible” particle
the, a, to, fornominal marker and complementizer. Context: Yakonkwe’tí:yo ne sa’nisténha(she-it-human-nice) NE (she-you-mother)“Your mother is A nice lady” Wa’khní:non ne à:there(past-I-it-bought) NE (it-basket)“I bought A basket” Ne takó:s é:so tsi yóre’senNE (cat) (alot) (that) (it-it-fat-stative)THE cat is really fat Teyonatonhwentsyó:ni ne aontakontiráhthen(theyF-it-want/need) NE (indefinite-cislocative-theyF-climb)“They (f) want TO climb up here” Teyakotonhwentsyó:ni ne aonkyaneráhsten(she-it-want/need) NE (indefinite-it-me-good-causative-benefactive)“She …. Read More